Optimizing headers for site speed
Today I had to do some tweaks to improve the loading speed of a site with a good amount of traffic and many relatively large photos on it. When you have a lot of static content, one of the easiest …
Today I had to do some tweaks to improve the loading speed of a site with a good amount of traffic and many relatively large photos on it. When you have a lot of static content, one of the easiest …
Here is a simple trick that I sometimes use if I need to hide certain parts of a web page when it is sent to the printer. Now, this is not rocket science. Anyone who knows their way around CSS …
Web design trick: hiding content from the printer Read more »
As a web developer, I often have to create back-end databases that store a lot of useful information such as visits, user accounts, sales, and other useful information that is helpful when analyzing the performance of a website (especially if …
An interesting interview I found on Slashdot. Mårten Mickos built MySQL AB into a billion-dollar company with 70% of its workers, all over the world, telecommuting instead of working in offices. Now he’s CEO of another young open source company, …
Former MySQL CEO Mårten Mickos Talks About Managing Remote Workers Read more »
As we know (if we’ve learned our high school physics), any warm body emits energy in the form of electromagnetic waves. Depending on its temperature, longer or shorter waves prevail. And if the body is very hot, it emits enough …
Fellow freelancers probably know how working from home without a rigid schedule may sometimes tempt you to slack off. But on the other hand, you still have deadlines, and you get paid based on results, so you have to keep …
The Fifth Elephant by Terry Pratchett My rating: 5 of 5 stars This is one of the better books in the series. It’s got it all – including geopolitics, race and gender issues, Chekhov references and a friendzoned wolf. View …
Tender is the Night by F. Scott Fitzgerald My rating: 3 of 5 stars Although it may be a bit difficult to relate to the characters in the book (after all, I’m a middle-class European living in 2013, so I …
A friend recently asked me a simple question without a simple answer: “How can I create my own website?” “It depends,” I said, wisely stroking my long white beard. Not a very precise answer, but true nonetheless. When you set …
Next in the series of security-related posts, I want to talk about a huge security hole in many old WordPress websites that haven’t been kept up-to-date in the past year or two. You may not believe it, but in fact …