This is a very simple example of how you can implement discount codes managed in a separate Excel file on the server.
Try these codes:
TESTPERCENT – percentage discount, 20%
TESTFIXED – fixed discount of $5
You can download the Excel spreadsheet here.
Source code for this form:
<label>Subtotal ($): $ [text subtotal "1000"]</label> <label>Discount code: [text discount-code]</label> <label>Second discount code: [text second-discount-code]</label> [calculate_button calculate_button-1 "Calculate"] <div style="display:none"> <!-- Look up the discount code and match it to a number --> [spreadsheet_reference raw_discount cf7-hide field:discount-code sheet:1 cells:A1-B10 ""] [spreadsheet_reference raw_discount_2 cf7-hide field:second-discount-code sheet:1 cells:A1-B10 ""] <!-- We need to apply some behind-the-scenes number transformations to see if the discount is a fixed amount or a percentage. If the number is >= 1, then it is a fixed discount, otherwise we assume it is a percentage --> <!-- First, round down to the nearest integer --> [calculation temp cf7-hide precision:0 rounddown "raw_discount"] [calculation temp_2 cf7-hide precision:0 rounddown "raw_discount_2"] <!-- Then, normalize to either 0 or 1 --> [calculation is_fixed cf7-hide min:0 max:1 "temp"] [calculation is_fixed_2 cf7-hide min:0 max:1 "temp_2"] </div> <!-- Calculate discount --> <label>Discount: $ [calculation discount "raw_discount * is_fixed + (subtotal * raw_discount * (1-is_fixed)) + raw_discount_2 * is_fixed_2 + (subtotal * raw_discount_2 * (1-is_fixed_2))"]</label> <!-- Calculate total --> <label>Total: $ [calculation total "subtotal - discount"] </label>